February 2025
Violet delighted at South Wales KA winning her class, Best Puppy and a lovely Puppy Group 3. Sister Queenie came out to play and was 2nd to her sister.
Sister Clover had a lovely 2nd place in a great junior class at Portsmouth expertly handled by Calleigh.
We are so happy with how these youngsters have taken the show scene all in their stride. Queenie is also amazing us with her gundog training....exciting times ahead!!
Merlin, Deli and Clemmie all received clear eye test results too!
January 2025
A quiet couple of months with not much showing.
Violet managed to attend her first show and managed a creditable 3rd in her class. Hopefully we will find some shows later in January for her to play at!!! Clover - Sonnetend Tailor Made for Irisbel - won Best Puppy at her first show at the end of November.
Cardiff Open Show saw three of the pups in the ring together and a great time was had by all! Clover came out on top with 1st in Junior, Best Puppy and Best of Breed and then a great Puppy Group 4! And Matilda came along to her first show in several years and won AV Gundog Veteran handled by Oli!
October 2024
Some wonderful news from the European Dog Show 2024 in Slovenia where the gorgeous Plume - Multi Champion Sonnetend Indiana Jones wins Best of Breed and Best of Breed Veteran! Well done Elena and Davide!
And in local news, at Aberystwyth Show, Deli - Sonnetend It's Meant To Be - won Field Spaniel Graduate, and her half sister Clemmie - Sonnetend Kiss Me Kate - won Field Spaniel Open (her first show after having puppies), with Deli beating her in the challenge for Best of Breed!! Clever girls!
The end of October saw us at Midland Counties Championship show and the star of the day was Griff - Sonnetend Spellbinder by Cochen winning a lovely Open dog class and then topping it off with the Dog CC - so proud of this boy who always gives his all for his owners, Kath and Wendy!
June 2024
Delighted to share the safe arrival of Clemmie's beautiful puppies - it's been a very busy few weeks!
What an amazing Windsor Championship Show!
We only took Merlin - Sonnetend Too Funky - where he delighted us winning Open Dog, the Dog CC and Best of Breed! Great to see other Sonnetends doing fabulously well too - a 1st for Becky and Mavis (and the reserve bitch CC!) and a 2nd for Ivy. A super day for us all!
April/May 2024
A lovely Limit win at WELKS Championship Show for Mavis - Sonnetend Silk Stockings for Sylviidae, and at The National the 2 youngsters, Nancy and Becky - Sonnetend Eternal Flame and Sonnetend You Belong With Me - were 1st and 2nd in a strong Junior class. Tweed - Sh Ch Sonnetend Faith was 1st in Veteran bitch!
The weather is warming up now so some photo opportunities including the beautiful Northern Lights from home.
Deli - Sonnetend It's Meant To Be
December 2023
A quiet month with no shows for us ...but time for a photo session instead, and then onto Christmas festivities.
News that Ivy - Sonnetend Wake Up and Dream at Wireduck - won Limit bitch at LKA championship show - congratulations Sally and Ivy!
Great to see Top Field Spaniel Puppy 2023 is Nadavin Neala JW who is sired by Neville - Sonnetend Fastlove at Sylviidae.
November 2023
Another Best Puppy in Breed for Deli and some super AV results too at Amman Valley. And a Best of Breed for Merlin in great company!
Playing in the paddocks!
October 2023
A first show for the new puppy - Deli - Sonnetend It's Meant to Be - and a lovely Field Spaniel Best Puppy and Puppy Group 4 at Aberystwyth Canine Society, and a Best of Breed for Merlin.
At her first Championship Show - SWKA - Deli delighted us with a 2nd in a big puppy class, 2nd in Junior and 1st in Post Grad, and so is qualified for Crufts 2024! Go baby girl!!!! Merlin also did us proud with a 2nd in Open dog and Reseve Best Dog.
Happy to hear that Becky and Nancy, Deli's sisters have been out strutting their stuff too with some Best Puppy in Breed awards and a Crufts qualification between them!
August 2023
A lovely start to the month with Clemmie winning another Post Grad class at National Gundog Association Championship show, followed by another win at Welsh KC Championship show.
News from the World Dog Show - the gorgeous Plume - Multi Champion Sonnetend Indiana Jones - is World Winner and Best of Breed in Geneva. This is an amazing achievement and huge congratulations go to his owners Davide and Elena. Plume lives in Italy and is also hugely successful in the working field, with placings at Field Trials.
We are hugely proud and this is the 2nd time we have bred a dog who has won this accolade, the first being Ianto - Sh Ch Sonnetend Tic Tac Toe in August 2018.
And a further update from Driffield Championship show, where the lovely Ivy - Sonnetend Wake Up and Dream at Wireduck - wins Open bitch and Best Bitch - congratulations Sally on a super result!
June 2023
The FSS Championship Show took place in June and Clemmie had a good 2nd in Post Grad bitch. Griff - Sonnetend Spellbinder by Cochen - won his Limit Dog class and Star of the day was Mavis - Sonnetend Silk Stockings for Sylviidae - who won a quality Open Bitch class and gained her Stud Book Number!
A trip up to Blackpool saw a Post Grad win for Clemmie.
More snow in the middle of January means more snowy
Delighted to see the Our Dogs announcement that the gorgeous Storm - Sonnetend Magic Touch at Carinyssader - is Top Stud Dog (Field Spaniel) for 2022 - we are very proud breeders!
A quiet couple of months, although we did manage to venture out to LKA at the end of the year. Some lovely snow days here at our new house in mid December - just so beautiful even if we did have to walk up the lane as the car couldnt get up the hill!!
Great to see Sh Ch Jesham Baronet is Top Field Spaniel for 2022 - he is out of our dear Spencer - Sh Ch Elgert D'zzee Rascal with Sonnetend JW - and sire to our Cole Porter litter of puppies.
A few snowy photos as we say goodbye to 2022 and hello to 2023! Wishing you health and happiness from us all at Sonnetend Field Spaniels!
September / October 2022
A nice Limit win at Richmond Championship show for Ivy - Sonnetend Wake Up and Dream at Wireduck - and another at Darlington in some super company! This was followed by a Best Bitch award at SKC to go with her Best Bitch award at Driffield in late August. And great to see Tweed - Sh Ch Sonnetend Faith - back out at Darlington winning the Reserve Bitch CC! Also at Darlington, gorgeous Griff - Sonnetend Spellbinder by Cochen - wins a lovely Limit dog class.
Beautiful Nessa - Sonnetend Naughty Naughty - has now won a couple of Best of Breeds as she is now settling into the show scene!
A trip out to SWKA with our Clemmie saw her winning her Post Grad class and Reserve Best Bitch!
It's been a busy couple of months settling into our new home.
We have ventured out to a couple of shows with some fabulous results.
The Field Spaniel Society Championship Show saw Clemmie attend her first show and delighted us winning both her classes! Merlin was 3rd in his class in good company!
Ivy - Sonnetend Wake Up and Dream at Wireduck - has won her way out of Post Grad with wins at Birmingham National and Three Counties and is now up in Limit. Huge well done to Sally!
Blackpool saw Griff - Sonnetend Spellbinder by Cochen - win the Reserve Dog CC - huge congratulations Kath and Wendy!
Last weekend at NGA Championship Show Clemmie attended her 2nd show and again won both her classes and then amazed us all winning the Reserve Bitch CC!
A little trip out to a local Open show - Vale of Glamorgan - saw Oliver back in the ring handling Matilda to 2nd in Open.
Congratulations to Griff on his BOB! A fabulous day with great friends - if very hot!
May 2022
May saw a huge change for us! We moved house from a village in West Sussex that was becoming increasingly less rural, to the beautiful region of Ceredigion in Wales. The views are stunning and our dogs are having the time of their lives.
What an amazing Crufts we had!
Delighted with all Sonnetends - The lovely Ivy winning Post Grad bitch (biggest class of the day), beautiful Nev shocking Layla by winning Open dog, handsome, young Griff 2nd in a big Post Grad dog class, and our own Merlin - 2nd Limit dog and then amazing us going on to win the Reserve Dog CC! We are over the moon!
Huge congratulations to Duncan with Marvel - Cochen Hocus Pocus of Hurndewin (Sonnetend Magic Touch at Carinyssader x Cochen Flamenco) winning his 2nd CC with Best of Breed.
Congrats too to Gretel with Betsy winning the Bitch CC, and hugest congratulations to Calleigh with Aubree (Irisbel English Rose) winning her two classes, Best Puppy and topped it off winning the Reserve Bitch CC.
Aubree is a Nev grandaughter and we're very proud!
Gundog day is Sunday....see you there!
Or you can see Field Spaniels on the Discover Dogs stand on all four days!
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